5 Training courses for self development
The most powerful courses of self development and success in life, including five full courses in the way of the Lough Koch, and the applications and strategies of NLP
Details and axes of human development course – 5 training courses for self development
This course includes five full courses offered in LIFE COACHING, NLP applications and strategies, as well as the latest leadership and excellence theories presented at the 2017 World Leadership Summit
The course includes the following components:
Session 1: Effective Communication and Communication Course.
The second course: the course of goal setting, decision making, time management, and successfully defining the life message and goals
Third Session: TEAM WORK.
Course 4: Management of anger and stress.
Fifth course: the secrets of success and career excellence.
Details and themes of the Diploma of Human Development
1- Effective communication and communication course
The trainee will learn how to communicate with the self and the principles of communication with others and the patterns of different characters in work and life and how to deal with each style of them differently through the following practical training topics:
Topic 1: The communication process
Topic 2: Methods and methods of communication
Theme 3: Representational representations of information and communication from NLP applications
Topic 4: Mental thinking patterns and communication of NLP applications
2. Set goals, decision and time management
The trainee recognizes the meaning of the goal and the difference between the goal, the message, the vision, the types of goals, and how to set a goal
How to manage time, how to make decisions, identify time constraints, and how to develop a time management plan through two parts, including the following practical training topics:
Part 1: Time Management
Topic 1: The nature and importance of time
The second topic: the application of the exploration of the system of personal values of NLP and its use in achieving the maintenance of time and good management
Theme 3: Eisenhower matrix for managing priorities
Topic 4: Basic time management skills
Part II: – Message development, goal setting and decision making
The first topic: The importance of planning for life
Topic 2: Know what your message is in life?
Topic 3: Know how to set your goals in life?
Topic 4: Know how to make decisions in a scientific way
3 – Working cycle team TEAM WORK tool of success
The trainee will recognize the stages of working as a team, the importance of working in the spirit of the team and how to manage and lead a successful team in a simplified manner in various areas of life and work through the following practical training topics:
Theme 1: Team Concept
Topic 2: Benefits of working as a team
Theme 3: A wonderful example of bird migration
Topic 5: Effective and successful leadership of the team
Topic Six: The Three Qualities Scale for the Ideal Team Member (Application from the 2017 World Leadership Summit)
Topic 7: The stages of forming the team and activate it successfully.
4- Management of anger and stress management
The trainee will learn about how anger, stress and psychological stress occur and how to control it daily through some strategies and success through the following practical training topics:
The first topic: the concept of pressures and work pressures
The second topic: Types of psychological stress and its sources
The third topic: the symptoms of the functional pressure and its effect
Topic 4: Functional pressures and their impact on the level of performance
Topic 5: Training the exploration of intellectual convictions and their impact on the management of anger and stress
Topic 6: Strategies for dealing successfully with anger and stress
5 – Secrets of success and career excellence
The trainee will learn about the internal psychological preparation for excellence and what are the skills of career excellence and how to develop a plan for development and career excellence through the following practical training topics:The first topic: The importance of discovering yourself … and knowing who you are?
The second topic: The importance of change for the better
Topic 3: Know what you have resources, capabilities and talents?
Topic 4: Knowledge of the principles and tools of successful candidates
Topic 5: Application of the theory of four life situations to achieve success and functional excellence
Topic 6: Self-engineering and continuous development basis for outstanding job performance
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